More about Shawãdawa Rupusuti Rapé
The Shawãdawa Rupusuti Rapé is made with Tsunu ashes and a herb called Rupusuti. It is a medicine that cleans the veins and pores. According to its maker, when you use this medicine it makes you sweat a lot and it cleans the toxins that make you feel physically bad. Rupusuti is traditionally used for hypertension. A powerful blend that has an earthy effect on the body. Through its heating effect it really makes you present in the body and connect to the ground. Our friend from the Shawãdawa likes to mix in special medicines of his tradition. They are in general quite specific herbs only known by the healers of his people.
Words from Shawãkaya, our Shawãdawa partner
The following is a text from the maker speaking in his own words on rapé, and the traditions of his people, contextualising the two medicines we are presenting here:
"De Shawãdawa leven in de bovenloop van de Jurua rivier in vier inheemse, afgebakende gebieden. Vandaag de dag is het belangrijkste doel van het Shawãvolk het beschermen van ons land, ons bos waar al onze natuurlijke medicijnen aanwezig zijn. We zijn ook altijd op zoek naar het redden en redden van onze cultuur, de leer van onze voorouders. Het gebruik van onze heilige medicijnen brengt ons deze studie van genezing en van onze voorouderlijke leringen.
We are from the pano linguistic root like families as the Yawanawa, Poyanawa, Kaxinawa, Jaminawa, Deadawa, Kuntanawa and many others. Shawã means Arara, Macaw and Dawa is family so we are the family of the macaw.
The use of Rupusuty, as we call Shawãdawa Rapé in our language and tradition, has a very important meaning for the Shawãdawa, it is the study of the medicinal plants that give the force to strengthen the spirit and the force to heal the material of the diseases of the flesh. To be a warrior in the forest it is necessary to know the medicines and its powers by doing the traditional diets, the stronger the medicine, the longer the diet.“
Meer over Rapé...
Gebruik het met respect en zorg; het is een tabaksproduct en kan een verslavende werking hebben!
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Carl Freestone (geverifieerde eigenaar) -
A very powerful rapeh. When there are blocked energies. Rupusuti will break through the block