Bali Hardwood Kuripe – Jaguar
The figure of the Jaguar has been ever present in the cosmology of both ancient and modern peoples spread across the wide extension of the Amazon forest. Even from Incans, to Aztecs, to Mayans, this imposing feline has been depicted in traditional art and folk tales that date back to pre-Hispanic times. It’s a figure associated with power and courage, with the underworld and night time, with fertility and sometimes even the earth itself. Certain communities claim the name of the Jaguar, such as the Nukini People, and some pass on to their younger generations the belief that the ability to turn into jaguars is in the blood of members of their community.
Culturally speaking, the Jaguar is a protector, an ally that can scare away evil forces and ward off negative spirits, and a teacher of Nature’s powers. In terms of the Amazonian ecosystem, this animal is essential to maintaining balance, and one of the main carnivores at the top of the food chain. And yet, they’ve been in danger as a species due to their very own ecosystems suffering the same fate, and due to careless hunting, too. Projects have been created to protect and restore what’s been lost of the Amazonian biome, including the prowls of jaguars.
This Bali Hardwood Kuripe is a reminder of the strength and power of the Jaguar, of everything it represents, and remembrance that we must care for our forests and the animals that live amongst its trees and rivers, always grateful and humble in face of all their might and wisdom, for all they can teach us and for all the healing they share with us.
More About Kuripe – Jaguar – Tropical Hard Wood Kuripe
Kuripe Pfeifen sind V-förmige Applikatoren, die für die persönliche Einnahme verschiedener Schnupftabakmischungen verwendet werden. Das eine Ende wird in das Nasenloch gesteckt, das andere über den Mund gepresst, so dass der Schnupftabak in die Atemwege des Körpers geblasen werden kann.
Diese Pfeifen sind seit Jahrzehnten Teil der Bräuche und Rituale zahlreicher Eingeborenenvölker. Alle von Sacred Connections angebotenen Varianten sind handgefertigt und präsentieren originelle Designs mit perfekter Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Unser Bali Hartholz Kuripe Linie wird von fachkundigen Handwerkern aus erstklassigem Hartholz hergestellt, das direkt aus Bali bezogen wird, und vereint die Kultur des Amazonas und den balinesischen Geist in einer Kollektion schöner und einzigartiger Produkte.
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