Nukini Rapé – Pitaica

$14.00 - $90.00

Nukini Rapé Pitaíca
Nukini Rapé - Pitaica $14.00 - $90.00
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The Powers of Nukini Rapé Pitaica

Our chosen Rapé of the Month gathers its strength from the bark of a tree commonly known as Pitaíca or Carapanaúba-Amarela (Yellow-Carapanaúba). This species (Swartzia platygine) is native to the Amazonian region that encompasses the northern state of Acre, in Brazil, and is considered a highly rare ingredient, used by the Nukini in the making of their most special shamanic medicines.

To make this splendid snuff, the bark of the Pitaíca tree is carefully extracted and then burnt to produce ashes. Some believe this material to be a powerful source of spiritual transcendecy, aiding in meditation rituals and connection with guides. This ingredient is considered to be incandescent, meaning it can offer fervor and inspiration, boosting the spirit for greater connection and harmony with the powers of Mother Nature.

Practitioners of traditional medicine explain that the strength of this rapé is, in the same measure, capable of lifting spirits and grounding the self. It is a great snuff to form a connection with the present, aware of the world around you.

Wer sind die Nukini?

The Nukini, who self-denomiate as the People of the Jaguar (Povo da Onça), are spread across the region that comprises the Juruá Valley (Vale do Juruá) all the way to the Môa Mountain Range (Serra do Môa), in the northern brazilian state of Acre. They’re part of the Pano-linguistic ethnic group, and constitute a diverse and culturally rich group that is, nowadays, divided into four more prominent small clans: the Inubakevu (Spotted Jaguar People), the Panabakevu (Açaí People), the Itsãbakevu (Patois People) and the Shãnumbakevu (Snake Peopke). 

Not unlike countless other peoples’, their history is marked by distinct periods of adversity and conflict, mostly caused by the excessive and careless exploitation of source materials present in the Amazon Forest, especially during the Rubber Cycle era. It was then that the Nukini suffered great losses, both in terms of members of the community as well as a great portion of their culture and language.

Still, their socio-economic structuructure is, nowadays, a solid and stable one that revolves primarily, though not exclusively, around fishing and hunting activities. In addition, they cultivate a great diversity of local plants and fruits. They promote movements to strengthen their traditions, recovering and passing on to younger generations all the richness and importance of their customs and history that were once lost and stolen. These efforts include the teaching of craftsmanship and sacred medicinal techniques, and the increasing appreciation for their spirituality.

Medicinal Rapé

Medicinal snuffs are used, especially, to detoxity and heal. It is an excellent source of purging of excessive mucus, toxins, and bateria, primarily due to their analgesic and sanative properties. It is also a powerful agent in the treatment of infections and wounds, helping to reduce pain and fatigue.

Because they generally carry nicotine in their formula, shamanic snuffs may also act upon the bloodstream that reaches the brain, helping to elevate focus and a positive state of alertness. It’s common for people that feel constantly tired, stressed, sick, and even depressed to look for this sort of medicine.

In addition, it is a potent spiritual tool to cleanse the connection between intentions and thoughts, enhancing the power of prayer and the sense of self-awareness and of the world around each practitioner. Rapé is capable of opening up pathways to higher levels of communication and thinking.

By bringing together physical and spiritual aspects, shamanic snuffs can bring balance and renovation. The purging of substances that are “stuck” to the body can be considered a physical manifestation of the spiritual process of ridding oneself from old, heavy, toxic energy.

In other words, when used with positive intent and respect for its origins, Rapé offers reinvigoration and stability, the same way that it can offer a more solid and stronger foundation, stimulating positive chakra points in the body, healing the mind, and nurturing the spirits.

How can I take this Rapé?

  1. Choose a place that is sacred to you, filled with spirituality and energetic movements. Look for places that help you keep focus, too.
  2. Measure the necessary amount of snuff. Usually, the equivalent to the size of a pea should be enough. This may also be a good moment to complement the process with chanting and prayer.
  3. Löffeln Sie die Mischung in das Nasenende Ihrer kuripe und klopfen Sie dann vorsichtig mit der gebogenen V-Spitze auf eine harte Oberfläche, um Luftblasen oder festsitzende Rapé-Stücke zu entfernen.
  4. Nehmen Sie das Mundstück in den Mund und stecken Sie das andere Ende vorsichtig in ein Nasenloch. Lehnen Sie sich nach vorne und denken Sie daran, Ihre Augen zu schließen.
  5. Geben Sie der Pfeife einen kräftigen Schlag und nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um den Moment zu erleben und die Kraft und Macht des heiligen Rapé zu spüren.
  6. Versuchen Sie, den Rapé einige Augenblicke lang "festzuhalten", bevor Sie ihn auf der anderen Seite wieder ausblasen.
  7. Keep in mind that both sides/nostrils should receive this medicine to achieve balance!
  8. Denken Sie daran, dass es sich bei diesem Ritual um ein Reinigungsritual handelt; treiben Sie alle Flüssigkeiten aus, die aus Ihrem Körper zu tropfen beginnen, denn sie können körperliche Manifestationen geistiger Themen sein, die Sie loslassen müssen, um zu heilen.

Check our artisanal applicators to enhance your experience with the Nukini Pitaíca Rapé!

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Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht K.A.
Weight: No selection

10gr., 20gr., 50gr., 250gr., 500gr., 0,17oz (5gr.), 0,35oz (10gr.), 0,70oz (20gr.), 1,7oz(50gr.)


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