The Noble Kuripe
Kuripes made out of wood extracted from the Amazon Forest are amongst the most traditional and durable options of Shamanic Snuff applicators, in addition to uniting the strength of the tree which the wood comes from, and the spirits that circle around and revolve countless native flora from the rainforest, often sacred to the peoples that there reside.
This renewable resource is the root (pun intended!) of many of the applicators offered by Sacred Connection’s team and our artisan partners; and for these specific models, the source material comes from recycling processes meant for reusing, which in its turn adds a strong touch of sustainability to these handcrafted tools.
All the woods used in the making of these Kuripes are considered noble, which means that they’re especially resistant to insects, termites, and other agents that may damage the material, in addition to being free of any strong odors related to other wooden products.
Aesthetically speaking, the colors of these woods are quite vibrant and beautiful, varying from burgundy tones all the way to more yellowish hues. The finishing process used by the artisan that makes these Kuripes adds an even more gorgeous look to these applicators, making them look lustrous and refined. The resulting smooth surface promotes a comfortable grip for this sacred tool.
Handmade exclusively for you!
These Kuripes are made by our longtime friend, Rafael, who’s an incredibly dedicated and highly talented crafter of hardwood goods and tools. Rafael comes from a line of craftsmen – from a young age, he’d attend festivals that gathered the skills of countless local artisans, and soon became a part of his family’s workshop along with his brothers. It was then that his admiration for the intricate work of woodcrafting arised.
His craft joins forces with his own journeying of self-discovery and purpose, and experiences through the world of Sacred Healing, which started with rituals of Ayahuasca and, later on, Rapé. Rafael describes the shamanic snuff as “a father who guides him and offers the strength needed to keep moving forward.”
Rafael’s gorgejous works carry his love for crafting and respect for the spirits of Rapé, and his care in choosing his materials and sense of duty to preserve Mother Nature only add even more beauty to these Kuripes brought to you by Sacred Medicine!
You can read more about Rafael and his creative process in our blog!
Die Kraft des Rapé
Die Verwendung von Rapé ist eine höchst heilige Praxis. Sie war Teil der Bräuche zahlloser Eingeborenen im gesamten Amazonasgebiet und hat viel mehr Bedeutung und kulturelles Gewicht als eine einfache Lösung für körperliche Beschwerden, wie die Einnahme einer Aspirin gegen starke Kopfschmerzen.
Es ist ein Ritual, eine Zeremonie, sei es täglich vor der Arbeit, um sich auf die Jagd oder eine alltägliche Reise vorzubereiten oder auch, um mit den Ahnen und den Geistern in Verbindung zu treten.
Rapé zu verwenden bedeutet, seine Bedeutung, seine historische Bedeutung und seinen Platz in der indigenen Kultur zu verstehen. Es erfordert Zeit und Hingabe für den Prozess, Respekt für seine Ursprünge und seinen Nutzen und Verständnis dafür, wie wir von ihm profitieren können.
Dive deeper into the powers of Amazonian Healing with our Shamanic Snuff blends!
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