Shanenawa Caneleiro - Rapé van de maand
Palo Santo wood, also known as holy wood, is a mystical tree found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. For centuries, indigenous peoples of Latin America have used Palo Santo wood in their spiritual practices for its therapeutic properties and spiritual benefits. Nowadays, Palo Santo wood has become popular among people worldwide as a tool for energy cleansing, pain relief, and connection to source. Continue reading, if you want to explore the uses and benefits of Palo Santo wood, the harvesting process, and safety concerns related to this sacred tree.
Experience the power of the Caneleiro Tree in a high quality natural medicine. Live a potent and healing experience through one of the most amazing and powerful trees from the Amazon Forest, the Earth’s lung.
Our Rapé Shanenawa will transport you all the way to the rainforest, giving you a chance to connect with the Shanenawa tribe and the ancestors that have shaped the world of natural medicine as we know it today.
The Caneleiro Snuff is prepared with Caneleiro ashes and a natural rope tobacco. It has the same medicinal properties as Canela de Velho (Old Man Cinnamon).
Deze plant doet wonderen bij het verminderen van pijn en ontstekingen in de gewrichtsregio, rugpijn, artrose, reumatoïde artritis, bursitis, reuma, bloedzuivering en nog veel meer.
De naam Shanenawa is etymologisch samengesteld uit de vormen Shane (blauwgekleurde vogelsoort) en Nawa (vreemd volk). Zij zouden dus het Blauwe Vogelvolk zijn.
Deze snuif geeft je de unieke kans om in contact te komen met voorouderlijke mensen en hun medicijn. De rapé heeft een belangrijk verhaal en betekenis, evenals de stam die eraan bijdraagt dat je dit krachtige medicijn kunt wijden.